Is There a Dark Veil?

I received the following question:

“The veil in the temple is white and leads to the Lord, but is there also a dark veil that veils the adversary, and that must also be parted before we can part the veil to the Lord?  I have thought that the adversary has his opposites of the things of God and that we must be willing to descend below to some degree to be able to ascend above.”

My response: “There are different things we might consider as “the veil.” The veil that separates us from the Spirit World is our own flesh. Learning to see with an eye of faith is what parts that particular veil.

The barrier that separates us from the Lord is called a “firmament” in the scriptures. It is guarded by the Cherubim and has three levels of ascension. Satan has a boundary that prevents him from ascending these firmaments. Outer Darkness has a firmament that separates it from the glory of God. I have not seen a dark veil of separation for Satan unless it is our own eyes that prevent us from seeing him.”

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33 Responses to Is There a Dark Veil?

  1. Anonymous says:

    So the baptism of fire is what allows us to pass this firmament? Is it a different process when the Lord descends to us or we see Him in vision?


  2. The pillar of light that Joseph experienced was a baptism of fire. Visions are not, unless one has ascended. Ascending to the Lord always requires a cleansing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymous says:

    What can you tell us about translocation? Is it in the spirit or is your physical body moving?


  4. That is quite the question. I have much to say, but I would rather explain it more when the other book is ready in a couple of months. Not the kind of thing I can just give a short answer.


  5. Anonymous says:

    That other book will be coming out before the end of july is that correct?


  6. Joshua Tolley says:

    “Learning to see with an eye of faith is what parts [the veil that separates us from the Spirit World].” Yet again you’ve offered a second witness of what I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ll note that seeing with faith is very much distinct from obeying commandments and covenants, or having the ability to discern. So it’s very possible to part the veil and then be deceived by whatever influence happens to wander by.


  7. Joshua, seeing with an eye of faith is anywhere beyond your physical body. Until you ascend to a higher place you will always contend with darkness. It wasn’t until I reached the room above the earth that I noticed absolutely no presence of the Adversary. He cannot go beyond that firmament without permission. He dwells in the telestial realm and darkness.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Joshua Tolley says:

    So one might say a veil is what restricts our senses to this mortal world, and a firmament is a separation between different levels of the world the veil prevents us from sensing.


  9. Yes, but the firmament are multiple barriers that we ascend in the universe, far more than the limitations of this world. Our physical senses are limited to frequencies less refined.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Anonymous says:

    Have you seen the ads on your blog?


  11. No, it is a basic blog, so I suppose WordPress puts ads on there. I don’t think they would be the same ads for everyone.


  12. Emma says:

    Wow! I really love the new post ! As usual , I have a question .
    Could you please expound more deep light on MARRIAGE fro me ? Is it really a must that someone has to get married in this mortal life ?
    I would be highly glad if you can shade some light on that doctrine


  13. Marriage is a source of great joy when done righteously, but anyone who is not married in this life will not lose any eternal blessings. As one ascends in their progression they will be given a help meet, who will together, progress in the estates. Everything Joseph said is correct, but must be seen through an eternal perspective.

    Liked by 4 people

  14. Just a comment here: The person that originally sent me his question referenced the temple veil ceremony wondering if Satan had his own version. As far as my personal experience, I did not have to meet anyone and offer the signs and tokens to enter the Lord’s presence. I simply had to be made clean and pass the angels of the Lord upon His approval. I was told that the signs and tokens are for teaching purposes and than there are yet more to be learned. Having said that, there may be something in the future that requires these that I am not yet familiar with. I would not be surprised if Satan uses the same ceremony to mimic Lord somehow, but this I do not know. I know Satan has a baptism of darkness and other mirror ordinances.

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Emma says:

    Thank you very much for that outstanding answer ! I have learnt something from that ..
    I makes real sense to me .
    Q. So , when someone get sealed to his wife and then they both fail to keep the covenants , Will they be separated in the next life ? I need some deep light on this one .


  16. There are many factors involved and only the Lord can determine if covenants are broken. Nothing can ever separate us from the ones we love unless they choose to go to Satan. The full realization of the marriage sealing does not occur until later estates, at which time you will be in lockstep with your helpmeet.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Paul says:

    This answer on marriage has caught my attention. Please expound for me, Does eternal marriage have an eternal significance like confirmation after baptism?


  18. Anonymous says:

    When will your next book be released?


  19. I’m not sure what you mean “like confirmation after baptism.” Marriages are only eternal when the hand of God seals it. That happens in His presence.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Anonymous says:

    In your experiences with Joseph smith, were you given any insight into the purpose or intention of the council of 50?


  21. I have not asked about that.


  22. Dixie says:

    Are there Daughters of Perdition? Why do we only hear of Sons of Perdition?


  23. There are, but few. My next book discusses that in length.


  24. Pure Revelations says:
    May 6, 2017 at 2:27 pm
    “Marriage is a source of great joy when done righteously, but anyone who is not married in this life will not lose any eternal blessings. As one ascends in their progression they will be given a help meet, who will together, progress in the estates. Everything Joseph said is correct, but must be seen through an eternal perspective.”

    to be honest, your response has challenged the general knowledge we have about marriage. So, can you can you explain to D&C 131? and give more light? thank bro.


  25. Yes. Any time you read anything I say that contradicts the current church doctrine you need to seek personal revelation. Not all the later revelations in D&C are directly from the hand of Joseph. Notice “the everlasting covenant of marriage” is written in parenthesis. This was added later. The way that the everlasting covenant is defined in section 131 and 132 are not from Joseph Smith. The everlasting covenant included marriage, but not plural marriage as taught by Brigham Young.

    Liked by 3 people

  26. so we have been taught that after the resurrection men do not take wife. i remembered how Joseph said he could explain 100 time in differents levels D&C 76.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Yes. There will be future Adam and Eves. Is this not taking a future wife? If polygamy is an eternal principle and Adam was the Man of Holiness, a perfect example, why did he only have one wife? Marriage is ordained of God, but our salvation is tied to His doctrine only. 3 Nephi 26-40

    Liked by 4 people

  28. SIE ERIC says:

    You said that anyone who is not married in this life will not lose their blessing in any way. So we can decide not to get married while keeping the commanders of the lord and that will not harm us? [The Lord has commanded us to marry and have children. If for whatever reason we were unable to do this, the blessing will find its way to us. If we by choice did not do this, it may become a hinderance in the future. The pattern of faith and obedience to God’s commandments is what moves us through the Everlasting Covenant until we become like HIm. PR]


  29. tekoraa says:

    [Adam was the Man of Holiness, a perfect example]

    The places I found on the term “Man of Holiness” were:

    Moses 7
    35 Behold, I am God; Man of Holiness is my name; Man of Counsel is my name; and Endless and Eternal is my name, also.


    Moses 6
    57 ​Wherefore teach it unto your children, that all men, everywhere, must ​​​repent​, or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God, for no ​​​unclean thing​ can dwell there, or ​​​dwell​ in his ​​​presence​; for, in the language of Adam, ​​​Man​ of Holiness is his name, and the name of his Only Begotten is the ​​​Son of Man​, even ​​​Jesus Christ​, a righteous ​​​Judge​, who shall come in the meridian of time.

    What does the title “Man of Holiness” mean, in terms of that being ascribed to Adam, as well as God and the only Begotten?

    Is this similar to when it says in 1 Corinthians 15 that there was the first Adam (Michael), and then the second Adam (Christ)?

    Or is it related to how Adam/Michael is called the “Ancient of Days” by Joseph Smith, a title also used for God in the book of Daniel?

    Are you able to clarify on any of this? [You are tapping into a mystery, which means the Lord will reveal it to you in His time. PR]

    Liked by 4 people

  30. Hi bro,
    (1) From the outer darkness to telestial, (2) from telestial to terrestial, and (3) from terrestial to Celestial; are they the three levels ( the firmaments) of Ascension you speak about?
    Thank. [No. It is from Paradise on Telestial, to Terrestrial, to Celestial and beyond. There are three Heavens and each requires permission to enter. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  31. SoGrtful says:

    To take off of your answer to G. Yapo, I often hear reference to the “seventh heaven,” even from people of our background. Do you know what that is? My search references Islam, or 7 levels of heaven, and sometimes Enoch. “Seven” is mentioned at least 53 times in the Book of Revelation. [Heaven in this case is a synonym for glory. There are seven steps on the ladder of ascension. Paul was referring to the first, and Enoch to the second. I can’t speak to what Islam was referring to. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

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