New Book: “A Witness of the End of Times”

The new book is now available as a free PDF download. This volume details the prophetic events of our time, the fall of Babylon, the rise of Zion, the Servants, and the Kingdom of the Adversary. It is more cryptic that the previous books, so the reader will need to pray for personal revelation in some parts to discern the meaning. Please, if you receive an answer to a mystery, only share with those who are prepared to receive.

I would not recommend reading this book unless you have read the first book “How To Have Your Second Comforter” and are comfortable with its content. Then I would read “A Witness of the Heavenly Realm.” This is the last in this series I can release before Zion is established.

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68 Responses to New Book: “A Witness of the End of Times”

  1. OB says:

    As always, thank you for your insights and the tremendous effort you put into these books. I can’t believe how quickly you produce these.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are welcome. I just had to compile journal entries from last year.


  3. Anonymous says:

    God bless you dear brother. I pray and hope that if it be the Lords will, that I will be spared and be able to meet you in first zion. I pray continually for the Lords mercy and protection so that I may serve Him.


  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much dear brother. I feel my soul enlarging! If I may ask one question regarding the spiritual translation of Isaiah. I have always wondered why the Book of Mormon’s Isaiah chapters so closely resembled those of the KJV… Is it possible that Joseph’s spiritual translation of Isaiah was closer to your translation at one point, but was made to conform to the KJV at a later point — in order to not ruffle too many feathers?


  5. Emma says:

    Thank you very very very very much for all that you do my dear friend and a brother ! Now am starting to know who you are ! I pray that I get to meet you and your beloved wife in person if time permits . I am done with reading the new book on the blog and am telling you that my eyes has been widely opened ! Now am looking forward to go through it agin for the second time .


  6. Emma says:

    I just loved the doctrine of ” Translocation “


  7. Vince says:

    This is all very daunting. I believe your message and the fear I feel causes me to mourn. I have a younger family. A 3 year old and almost 1 year old. They are so precious to me. I can’t imagine not being able to feed them and protect them always. Just last night my sweet little daughter said “daddy keeps me safe”. Inside I am wrenching thinking I don’t know if I will always be able to. I feel powerless. The only thing I think of is: there is little time, that every moment I have with them is precious and I need to come to know my Lord. I believe that whatever I suffer here will make me stronger throughout the eternities but the thought of being taken away from my family (in the camps or something like that) is unbearable.


  8. The Gift of Translation is not what some think. It is similar to the Gift of Tongues. The words come to the mind like a conversation as you focus on the records. Joseph translated the Book of Abraham and Moses the same way. When he came to the passages of Isaiah he immediately recognized them and would find the corresponding verses in the King James Version of the Bible and insert them where appropriate; sometimes with a few edits. This was approved of the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pray to the Lord with all your heart for their well being and your family and seek Him. He will guide you to safety. The Lord told me not to fear or go in haste, but wait for His word to come to me.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. S.S. says:

    Thank you for the new book! Does the Lord intend for us to be in our homes, witnessing some of the turmoil and destruction before He has servants gather us out? Or are we gathered out early on?


  11. There will be a mix. Many will gather out before the heaviest calamities come.


  12. Ruth says:

    Can you say more about “know the name whereby they are called, which is to have God’s name written upon their forehead”? (p.26) How do you come to ‘know the name whereby you are called’? I have a friend who had a dream where she heard, “You know the name by which you are called”. She wondered/believed that means she was baptized at age 8 and that is knowing the name by which you are called. I have wondered if it is Jesus testimony of YOU to the Father (D&C 45:3-5).


  13. Emma says:

    Q. Is there any destructions that you saw that will happen in African continent ? I would love to know

    Liked by 1 person

  14. This is part of what is received when you have your Second Comforter. To know your true identity and calling in this life.


  15. I did not see specific destructions there, but I do know there will be refuges and many taken to safety.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. BW says:

    I have been printing out each of your PDFs and comb binding them so they are more book-like. Would it be possible for you to include a high-res JPG of the book covers that you have thumbnails for on this site? I’d love to have the books look a bit more professional as I intend to hang on to them through all that is coming. I’m sure that when access to computers is limited these will be a blessing for me to be able to share with others.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Anonymous says:

    Why did the Lord speed up your timeframe for this book so drastically?


  18. BW, if you go to the “Books” link on the top bar and click the thumbnail image of the book you can get a higher res image of the book cover.


  19. B2 says:

    I am also interested in printed copies of the books. In the future, can you make them available for purchase through your publisher’s website for a reasonable printing fee, similar to your first book?


  20. S.S. says:

    You wrote: “I asked the Lord if I would need my storage and He
    told me quickly that I would share with others and
    use some of it, but that our needs would be met. It
    didn’t seem to be a big deal.”

    Our 1 year+ supply is taking up a large footprint in our small 1500 sf home (no basements in Texas, attic and garage storage not possible because of extreme heat). Our family needs more room and I’d love the storage area to be a reading/prayer room. Does future “sharing with others” trump our current need for more room and order? Or is there wisdom in keeping so much food?

    Is a 1 year supply even an inspired amount?


  21. I don’t know if that will happen.


  22. That particular part related to my personal family. I would seek personal revelation regarding that matter.


  23. Again, I am sorry if I do not answer your question. In most cases I have said all I can in the book on the subject. In some cases I don’t post the question because it may lead to speculation and I don’t want that on this blog. Thank you.


  24. kjn says:

    Thank you! Question: In the first Zion were there families or just couples and individuals? You mention that no children will be born in the millenium. Can you expound on that? Can translated beings not have children? Are there different levels of translation, just like there a different levels of the sealing power?


  25. There are families in First Zion and the others. When the earth is changed and is no longer a telestial glory it will abide the terrestrial and those laws. Those who are yet children when this earth is changed will remain children and grow to adulthood. There will be no birthing of children as we are accustomed here, but there is more to this that I cannot expound here; part of the everlasting covenant.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. S.S. says:

    Thank you for this: “I asked, “Will the nuclear bombs go off within
    hours of each other?” I’m reminded of the council
    regarding measuring time, that it is according to
    the earth and heavens. I was told that the last
    would come the following day.” (pg. 16)

    Thank you for asking the Lord that question. It really is a gift to have that knowledge!

    Can you describe how people or the general public behaved after the bombs? Did anyone seem to repent? Did people rush to churches like they did after 9-11?


  27. I didn’t see that particular.


  28. Mm says:

    How does a son of perdition gain a body? When they have the body and have offspring other evil spirits will habitate those bodies? So not all men are children of god?


  29. All men were created in the image of God, but here is where the mystery begins. How old are these spirits? There are some spirits who have made covenants with Satan before birth. They first gain a body as does anyone, but then like Cain must shed innocent blood under a covenant with Satan. The activity happening on either side of the veil to both prepare the House of Israel and expand Satan’s dominion are actively engaged. Within the telestial sphere such things occur.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. S.S. says:

    “Also, there would be detonations above the atmosphere, which would shut down everything in

    Are you allowed to say whether this impacts cars, radios, small elements inside LED flashlights and such as people have assumed it would? (I guess America gets to be the guinea pig to discover what an EMP knocks out?!!)


  31. I didn’t see those particulars.


  32. S.S. says:

    “About this time a plague begins to spread throughout the land. Many believe it is man-made.”
    (pg. 9)

    The Baptism of Fire renders snake venom and the poisons of men ineffective because they are telestial elements, right? Does this coming man-made plague infect/kill those who have obtained their Baptism of Fire?


  33. Mm says:

    Wow that’s crazy. Blew everything I knew out of the water 😂. So what’s the difference between children of man and children of Adam ?


  34. That is a good question. I don’t know the particulars of that.


  35. The details regarding the seed of men and Adam are in the chapter detailing the first dispensation in the previous book Temporal Dispensations.


  36. Ruth says:

    page 11 says: “I asked about the temple. He said it will be desecrated by wicked people.”. Anymore you can say about what temple you’re talking about? 😀


  37. kjn says:

    Would the Lord allow you to share the exercises to strengthen the pineal gland?

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Marsha says:

    This is in response to the question Ruth asked about knowing the name by which you are called.
    Isaiah 62:2 . . . and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name.
    I am loving your new book! Thank you for sharing so much with us.


  39. Usually it requires us to dream and to visualize. Those who tend to be left brained must work a little harder. Some may have a physiological barrier because of poor nutrition or chemical toxins. The best advice the Lord gave me when I started, “be believing.”

    Liked by 4 people

  40. kjn says:

    Did I read somewhere in your books, blog, or answer to questions that a head of a dispensation can only be the head of one dispensation? I don’t remember if I read that or if that is my own thinking. Also, when you talk of splitting did you ever meet a prophet in the Spirit who was also serving on earth at the same time because he had condescended again? Am I getting that doctrine/principle right? Or is splitting something for a higher estate being (5th and above)? Thank you for your patience with my questions, and thank you for what you can answer.


  41. Paul Lee says:

    Thank you so much brother! Ever since I found this glorious blog my spiritual eyes has opened and my view of my mortal life has change. Thanks again brother I wish to meet you when that day come, for I have felt the truth in every massage you shared.
    They are true.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Yes, a head of a dispensation only plays that role once. “Splitting” for lack of a better word, is only possible as a patriarchal priesthood, omnipresent function. Not a power of 4th estate to that level.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Ruth says:

    In the book it said: “I saw the brothers and SOME of the sisters begin to exercise the gifts of translation” (p. 26) Were there less women attaining to translation than men? If so, do you know why that is?

    This book is really lighting a fire in my soul. Thank you for your last book, A Witness of the Temporal Dispensations. I was amazed at all the women you took the time to inquire about. It was beautiful to read about women in scripture. I am sad to admit that my thinking has, over time, come to believe that women just haven’t had much to offer. You are a unique person to be male and to have taken the time to inquire of so many women. This is a great benefit to us. You are a true servant of the Lord.


  44. Ruth, I happened to see more men, but I wasn’t counting.

    It was interesting to learn some about the women of the past. The Lord wanted some of their stories touched upon. Some day there will be much more revealed after Zion is established and actual records come forth.

    Liked by 2 people

  45. RB says:

    Is the Terrestrial world physical?


  46. Yes, everything is physical. Depends how you look at it. Some things just are much hotter and quicker.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. RB says:

    Interesting. Was the earth in a Terrestrial state in Adam’s age or does that only occur in the Millenium?

    “There will not be babies born during the Millennium, except for those who condescend to Terrestrial worlds to provide bodies for Adams and Eves.”


  48. The earth was terrestrial, and then Adam transgressed and condescended with Eve to a Telestial earth. The earth will again be terrestrial during the Millennium.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. S.S. says:

    You mentioned in the book that you saw the financial markets continue to slide and then a collapse. You later mentioned invasion by Russian and Chinese coming as “peacekeepers”.

    Is the financial collapse what causes increased riots or civil unrest so that there is an excuse for the peacekeepers to come in? Or is there a worse event that triggers the peacekeepers to come?

    Do people begin to gather in to the First Zion at the first sign of trouble (economic collapse) or does it happen alongside the peacekeeper invasion?


  50. The invasion comes after the nuclear. It is not from financial collapse. The first Zion appears very small from the outset, during the financial collapse and is in full steam by the time the peacekeepers arrive.

    Liked by 3 people

  51. Anonymous says:

    Will there be a literal temple rebuilt in Jerusalem? How does it fit into the timeline with first Zion and the US financial decline?


  52. I’m not exactly sure how it fits in with the timeline, but they will have started a temple and even offered a sacrifice before He comes.

    Liked by 1 person

  53. Debbie says:

    Thank you for sharing.


  54. Emma says:

    I miss my dear friend ” Pure Revelation” I hope you are well and strong !
    But thanks once again for showing me things that I didn’t think I would know at any point .


  55. Happy man says:

    Pure Revelation is the BOMB!!!!


  56. David says:

    Is it later this year yet?

    Liked by 4 people

  57. Drew Laudie says:

    I can not get enough! Thank you for following the Savior’s commands.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. S.Q. says:

    Hope you are doing well. Sorry to bother you, but is there any chance the “awakening your spiritual eye” book will be posted before the year is up?


  59. I will post again before the end of year, but the book will probably be ready in January.

    Liked by 3 people

  60. S.Q. says:

    That’s fantastic news! I look forward to reading your new posts and the new book when it is ready. Thank you for your unique service to us all.


  61. Bbrent says:

    Can you give us an example or explain how the first occupants of Zion will get there? How does the initial group that establishes it get led to start it?


  62. It has been in the works for over a thousand years. Angels are coordinating even now who will be its first occupants. Like the famous movie line, “If you build it, he will come.”

    Liked by 2 people

  63. whitney1098 says:

    Thanks anonymous for all you’ve done in teaching us more light and truth. Is Captain Moroni back on the earth preparing to defend the righteous in these end times?


  64. SoGrtful says:

    On pg 16 of pdf End of Times, you asked, ‘”Will the nuclear bombs go off within hours of each other?’ I’m reminded of the council regarding measuring time, that it is according to the earth and heavens. I was told that the last would come the following day.” Since there are about 7 pages between your mentioning these nukes, would you mind clarifying that “the following day” is in reference to the previous day when the 1st one goes off, right? If so, 7 bombs within 2 days sounds like a very coordinated attack. Thanks. [That is correct. PR]


  65. gkawalker says:

    PR, I thought that I had read in a comment somewhere on here that the sign in the heavens shortly after AOA was the opening of the 7th dispensation, but in the translation in this book it looks like you have it matched to the very end of things. Did I write that down incorrectly? I tried to find it but the comments aren’t searchable so I’m just going off what I wrote in my topical guide for heavenly sign of 7th dispensation. [Perhaps you are thinking of the sign of the 8th Dispensation. PR]


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