
How To Have Your Second Comforter

Only available from Digital Legend Press, or Kindle version on Amazon. I collect no royalties. All funding goes to the publisher. The Lord required I do the first book in this manner. Go to this link for the full details regarding its content:

Do not read the following books unless you have read How To Have Your Second Comforter and are comfortable with the content. Please do not share with anyone unless the Spirit of the Lord has impressed you to do so. I would suggest reading these books in the order they are listed.

eyes2How To Open Your Spiritual Eyes

A Free PDF download. This volume goes deeper into the process of all things related to developing the Gifts of the Spirit. For those who struggle to open their eyes.

rrr 2

A Witness of the Gifts of the Spirit

A Free PDF download.  This volume is a reference to the twenty spiritual gifts that will prepare you to stand in the presence of God. Subjects include revelation, prophesy, angelic ministrations, and more.

A Witness of the Heavenly Realm

A Free PDF download. This volume details my visits with the Lord in the Heavenly Realm. Answers questions regarding the Throne, the Garden, the Creation, the spirit world, and the hierarchies of Angels. Go to this link:

A Witness of the Life of Christ

A Free PDF download. This volume details my visits with the Lord where I was shown parts of His life, His birth, childhood, beginning of His ministry, the Apostles, the last few days of His life, the Resurrection. Go to this link:

A Witness of the Temporal Dispensations

A Free PDF download. This volume details the first six dispensations starting with Adam and ending with Joseph Smith. Explains the significance of the Dominions, dispensations, prophets, and other questions regarding the purpose of this earth’s existence. Go to this link:

A Witness of the End of Times

A Free PDF download. This volume details the prophetic events of our time, the fall of Babylon, the rise of Zion, the Servants, and the Kingdom of the Adversary. Go to this link:

Coming in the future:

A Witness of the Everlasting Covenant, this volume details the mysteries of the Everlasting Covenant, but shall not be revealed until Zion is established.

61 Responses to Books

  1. “And again I would exhort you that ye would come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift, and touch not the evil gift, nor the unclean thing.” Moroni10:30 I wonder if sometimes we mistake the good gifts for that which is unclean because we do not understand. Why do some never develop their spiritual gifts? – from “How To Open Your Spiritual Eyes, Pg4” This is a good point Pr! and this one of the scripture i do not understand. please what it means an evil gift? thank.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A “gift” can be a power or understanding bestowed upon a person from God, but Satan also has his darker version of each and every gift. We see this in the examples of sorcery, necromancy, and channeling of spirits. Throughout the history of man such things have existed. As Moroni said, we are to not touch, or even dabble in the dark gifts.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. What about the new energy healing that a lot of the women in our church are getting into? Is that from an evil source? How about Reiki and muscle testing? I am attuned to Reiki and am also LDS.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Homeopathic healing is good, but with all kinds of healing the administrator as well as the recipient are wise to involve the Lord in its application. Most all energy healers lean on their own light and not upon the Lord . Usually, the recipient pays a fee and they hope to receive the healing, and do not exercise faith in Christ. Energy healing can work, but can also be risky for both the healer and the recipient. Dark energy can be passed from either without knowing. People who do such things think they are fully educated and prepared; however, there is always the unexpected person that is more than your bargained for. It is a dangerous business.

    I personally rely upon herbal remedies and priesthood blessings. When things require we go to medical doctors, but that is rare and I don’t trust most of them. But again, I would seek revelation on the matter.

    Liked by 8 people

  5. Nate says:

    Just curious. How many people run/contribute to this blog? Just one person? [Two people: the Lord and me. I’m the part with the typos. PR]

    Liked by 13 people

  6. Nate says:

    In Heavenly Realm, you asked if you could see Grandfather/Great Jehovah and was told no. But you went back (to Mother) and asked again, which you saw in vision… was that a test of faith? Are there times we’re supposed to seek things that God initially says no to?

    How does this differ in nature from Joseph Smith asking the Lord to give Martin Harris the Book of Lehi pages? [The answer to the first request never changed. The question was asked differently for something else and was granted. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  7. jstone511 says:

    What does “Ondi” mean?
    And what does “Ahman” mean?
    as in “Adam-ondi-Ahman”?
    [Adam ondi Ahman means “Man of Holiness.” “Ahman” is holiness or glory. Originally, I answered differently, that it was related to the Everlasting Covenant (which it is) and that you would need to ask the Lord. But, today I was told I could reveal this.. PR]

    Liked by 3 people

  8. jstone511 says:

    I am reading your Temporal Dispensations and I’m in the spiritual translation of the book of Moses. And it sounds like Enoch is talking to Heavenly Father and then later he seems to be talking to Christ. Which being is Enoch talking to?

    Liked by 2 people

  9. jstone511 says:

    Can you answer, in the Book of Moses, is Enoch talking with Heavenly Father or with Jesus Christ? [Often they are speaking with the Great Jehovah. In this is a mystery. PR]

    Liked by 5 people

  10. pierrick says:

    Hi Pure.
    Hope you’re fine.
    I had some questions about the last days.
    – Have you heard about three days of darkness? Is there any truth to it?
    – have you heard about a sign in heaven which would be a giant lightning strike on the face of the moon? Apparently it would leave like a scar on its surface.
    – you mentioned nibiru, the rogue planet, planet X I guess. Do you know in which direction to look for in the night sky? Will it fall upon the earth or just past by? [I’m not familiar with the other things you mentioned. I don’t know much about Nibiru or Planet X. I have heard of it, but I saw a dark planet or dark sun that comes close to the earth causing much problems. The sign of His coming is the return of the orb with the city of Enoch which will look like a planet or comet approaching. PR]

    Thanks in advance

    Liked by 7 people

  11. What can you tell me about the white stone mention in the book of Revelations? I know that it is a type of Urim and Thummim for those who receive celestial glory. There is not much revealed about this, and I have seen it in a vision in which the recipients who received them appeared to be mortal and living through the tribulations in the USA after it is brought to its knees. Is it a tool used by the Gatherers? [That I do not know. I have seen these stones being used on two occasions and each time it was with people who are from the City of Enoch, which are the 4th estate. It is possible the Gatherers will have these, but I have no knowledge of that. PR]

    Liked by 5 people

  12. Peter Taylor says:

    End of times page 104 references a full reading of your spiritual translation of Revelation on your blog, but I am unable to locate. If this is available somewhere, if you could direct me to this, that would be greatly appreciated. Thx PR [It is no longer available on the blog. However, much of the translation is available within the book A Witness of the End of Times. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Cheryl Weaver says:

    How’s it coming with the completion and sale of the consolidated book of your topics above? [I have people helping with editing. It is a slow process, so hopefully some time this year. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Nate says:

    Why was it more painful for the Savior to experience the perpetrators sins (third stage of the Atonement) than it was the victims pain(second stage)? [For such a pure being to swallow that bitter pill is beyond comprehension. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Nate says:

    You wrote in End Times that there are 3 to 4 thousand 4th estate on the earth right now. How many of these are translated?

    How many of these will be translated to participate in the Gathering? [I do not know. PR]


  16. Nate says:

    When you see past events like the life of Christ, are their words translated into english for you? Or do you just know by the Spirit the language? [It’s the gift of tongues where you understand the language. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  17. M H says:

    Your book, “A Witness of the Everlasting Covenant”, will not be available until Zion is established. Will it be revealed by you in your currently earthly body? Or in other words, it sounds like the calamities will be experienced by all of us reading this blog if it’s that near in the future? [We will all experience these calamaties in one degree or another. The book is not for the general public when it is made available. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  18. When asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, is it best to ask questions that you do not already know the answer to? [I would not ask questions I was already sure I knew the answer. I would approach the Lord with an open mind without prejudice, and humbly seek the truth. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I was recently reading John 17:12 and Christ seems to call out that Judas was a son of perdition. In your book “Witness of the Life of Christ” you have it where Christ forgave Judas and that he was not a son of perdition. Can you possibly help elaborate on the meaning of John 17:12? Who is Christ referring to as the son of perdition? [The Greek translation in John 17:12 uses “son of perdition” to describe Judas, who had followed the darkness. Under this definition there are many who do, yet few go as far as denying the Holy Ghost. To deny the Holy Ghost is to make an oath to Satan. This is how I was taught and you will need to get your own witness to such things. PR]

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Where is a good starting point to learn about the stars? [First learn how to receive revelation from the Lord. Once you establish a relationship like Abraham you can approach the Lord about these things. Otherwise, you are left to the science of men. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Nate says:

    Was Ishmael really the progenitor of the Arab nations? [No, but there was a tribe that settled in Arabia that were his descendants. But, most of what we refer to as Arabs descend from a pre-flood race of men that are not the descendants of Adam. PR]

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  22. Did they descend from the ark that had the race which had the Son of Perdition in it? [I cannot say. PR]


  23. truthseeker1820 says:

    I always thought the Arabs were Edomites (i.e., descendants of Esau). I thought the ancient feud between Jacob and Esau carried over through the ages and partially explained the current conflict in the Middle East. Can you say whether there is any accuracy to this theory? Maybe some are and some aren’t? This was something a friend of mine heard in Seminary long ago, before things became more watered down. It made a lot of sense to me. [Most all Arabs descend from a separate race. The children of Ishmael and Esau eventually blended into that group of people, but the animosities against Israel existed long before. They were strangers in their land and worshipped a different God. PR]

    Also, some Jewish rabbis currently teach that Caucasians are Edomites and Arabs are Ishmaelites. They cite a prophecy that in the last days the “iron of Esau” must mix with Ishmael. So by this they justify the huge refugee influx into Europe and America, saying it was simply “a matter of prophecy” and “it must occur;” that the Arabs must conquer the indigenous peoples of these countries by overpopulating them. I am not familiar with this specific prophecy, but I do not believe their interpretation of it is scripturally sound, for multiple reasons. Firstly being, I thought Caucasians are mostly Israelites (in terms of blood), not Edomites. Rabbis generally teach that those identified as Jews are the only Israelites left in the world today. Obviously that is false just by the example of Lamanites alone. Can you comment on this rabbinical teaching? [Some of the Ten Tribes, mostly Ephraim, when traveling over the Caucus Mountains migrated to the Northern British Isles and blended in with those people. I wouldn’t say “caucasions” are mostly Israelites though. I certainly wouldn’t say that Arabs are Ismaelites, but it is a popular belief. PR]


  24. truthseeker1820 says:

    Were there other people who lived in the British Isles / northern Europe before the Ten Tribes arrived? If so, can you say who they were, e.g., race of men, or something else? I was under the impression that the first group to populate that area was the Lost Tribes. [Northern Europe was populated by a mix of two other races before the Israelite remnant came there. I will pass on naming them. PR]


  25. truthseeker1820 says:

    Thank you for these nuggets of info. They help me to seek personal revelation for myself, even if slowly.

    One last question: you said the Arabs worshipped a different god. I have a friend who has showed me some remarkable things about Islam. In Encyclopedia Britannica, 1929, 14th edition, vol. 21, page 924, it states: “[some scholars argued that the Templars had] a secret doctrine based not on Gnosticism, but on the monotheism of Islam, of which Baphomet (Mahomet) was a symbol.”

    In this passage, Baphomet is equated with Mahomet, which is another way of spelling Muhammad. From these sources and other books I’ve encountered, it would seem that Baphomet and Muhammad are two names for the same being. Baphomet is the name of Satan amongst Satanic cults and therefore it throws question onto the true identity of Muhammad who is essentially worshipped by Muslims. Can you comment on whether this has to do with the different god worshipped by Arabs in ancient times? I feel like this is all related to the “Kingdom of the Beast” in the last days. [There was an infiltration of corrupt Templars that were Luciferian and not committed to Christian beliefs. This came later. Islam has no connection to Christ whatsoever. PR]


  26. Aeon3K says:

    4 questions :
    – why do the Lord allow other “races” to come to this earth at the same time than the race of Adam and Eve ? [They were invited, given a chance to receive the Everlasting Covenant. PR]
    – the parents of Adam and Eve, here in the flesh, where do they come from ? Were they mortals ? of which estate ? [They were mortal, telestial, from another world. PR]
    – What about the other couples who came with adam and eve’s parents ? [Adam and Eve were raised by parents of another race, but they were not their blood parents. They came with a group of others. PR]
    – If I understand correctly 1 person from the lineage of Adam & Eve + 1 person from the lineage of “men” allow evil spirit to possess bodies. Why is it so ? [Mixing the DNA of Adamites with other races produced Nephilim, a giant race that provided bodies for evil spirits. This was well known to all who lived at the time before the flood. PR]
    Thanks for your help

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Dimitri Williams says:

    Do you have an updated timeline for the physical books? I really look forward to purchasing them all as I prefer to read from physical books. [I’m trying to get the BofM Thoughts ready for printing. It’s a slow process of editing. The Lord hasn’t given me any instruction to have a deadline. I fulfilled the requirement when published online, so it will eventually be completed, or not. After I do this book, I plan to make physical books of the rest available. PR]

    Also, if the Arabs are mostly not the descendants of Abraham, then have the current Israel-peace accords been incorrectly named the “Abrahamic Accords”? Can you elaborate on the significance of these ongoing peace discussions? [Islam holds Abraham in reverence. The Arab race has existed since long before Abraham. The name of the accords is not important. They will lead to an eventual collapse as the Islamic countries combine against Israel for a final battle. PR]

    What about the Persians/Iranians – do they have the blood of Israel in them? [The only blood they have is a few pockets of Ishmael, and Jewish blood from Babylonian conquest. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Nate says:

    Is the One Mighty and Strong the Davidic Servant? [Yes. PR]

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  29. Nate says:

    “– If I understand correctly 1 person from the lineage of Adam & Eve + 1 person from the lineage of “men” allow evil spirit to possess bodies. Why is it so ? [Mixing the DNA of Adamites with other races produced Nephilim, a giant race that provided bodies for evil spirits. This was well known to all who lived at the time before the flood. PR]”

    To clarify for people that may not understand, Israel mixing with the Gentiles no longer produced evil spirits now. That was a pre-flood curse to preserve the line of Adam, correct? [Israel is not the same as the Adamite race. They were under the covenant given to Abraham. There is no pure Adamite blood in the world today, and no Nephilim born in abomination like before. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Nate says:

    Why cant we see the Dark Sun?… could it be seen with an infrared telescope lense? [I don’t have information on that. PR]


  31. Nate says:

    Are there any red haired lineages from Noah, not of Abraham’s line, that are upon the earth today?

    Where did the red haired Celtic tribes of Ireland and Scotlamd come from? [The red hair was passed from Noah, to Abraham, to the Israelites. When the Ten Tribes split and some went to the British Isles they brought that red hair. But one doesn’t need red hair to be of pure blood. Few, including those with red hair, have pure lines to Abraham. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Nate says:

    Are you aware if any Adamites left behind from Salem having mixed in anywhere? [No. PR]


  33. Nate says:

    What does it mean that Joseph Smith would live to see the Son of Man if he lived to be 85?

    D&C 130:14-15
    14 I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following:
    15 Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter. [If Joseph had lived to be 85 he would have been alive to see the Lord when He visited a number of people in the flesh. It was not a reference to the Second Coming. PR]

    Liked by 4 people

  34. high above says:

    Recently reading about Plato and his ancient writings. Particularly about the lost city of Atlantis. I didn’t realize before hand just how much Plato discussed the pre existence and nature of this life. He seemed to know about advance technology and spiritual concepts. It made me immediately think of your descriptions on the pre flood civilizations and knowledge those people had.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Do you by chance have a pdf version of the BoM thoughts? If not, would it be alright if i copied all of them into a pdf document for personal use? [I will be publishing a PDF and book of the BofM Thoughts by the end of December, hopefully. PR]


  36. jth0932 says:

    Just a little confusion with previous beliefs. I thought that the earth and Adam and Eve were in a Terrestrial state before the fall to the Telestial; therefore why would their parents be Telestial?
    If they did start out on a Terrestrial planet then did the other races come after the fall, since they seem to be older Telestial beings that were invited here?
    Thanks, [Their parents in the Terrestrial world were not Terrestrial. Their parents in the Telestial world were not Telestial. It is a similar situation to how Jesus was born of a virgin. That is all I can say about that. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  37. jth0932 says:

    PR puzzzle statements:
    Questions from the post:
    – the parents of Adam and Eve, here in the flesh, where do they come from ? Were they mortals ? of which estate ? [Yes, mortal. 2nd Estate. PR] [They were mortal, telestial, from another world. PR]
    – What about the other couples who came with adam and eve’s parents ? [Adam and Eve were raised by parents of another race, but they were not their blood parents. They came with a group of others. PR] [All of them were 2nd estate. PR]
    My question: If they did start out on a Terrestrial planet then did the other races come after the fall, since they seem to be older/other Telestial beings that were invited here? [Adam and Eve condescended from a terrestrial state to a telestial. PR]
    So, comment where you can. I am just trying to get the meaning of your statements above in proper perspective as they can be interpreted loosely. Don’t comment where you can’t as I know you won’t.
    1) We have non-Terrestrial parents when they were in the Terrestrial world before the fall, that are not Terrestrial. So they could be Celestial. Condescension from a higher state could be considered then since Celestials do not create carbon tabernacles.
    2) We have non-Telestial parents in the Telestial world that are but we have non-blood parents that are mortal Telestial parents from another race raising Adam and Eve here.
    3) There is no blood in the Celestial realm, but there would be in a Telestial or Terrestrial realm. Adam and Eve’s blood parents were from another Telestial or Terrestrial world but they came with another race, who raised them. [Condescension could be involved here also.]
    4) It seems to me that a Terrestrial would create carbon based tabernacles as there appears to be children raised during the Millennium (a Terrestrial state), but then again I thought blood was associated with the fall, so I am confused there, unless both states can be found in the Terrestrial state.
    My Enos attempt did not turn out as I hoped but it was an interesting experience. I finally had to get a hotel room to do it as temperatures dropped below freezing for two nights and it was so miserable there wasn’t much room for spiritual focus (for me at least). I will look for another time to be alone, which is a challenge.
    Super blood moon in two nights I assume is an omen for greater judgements for our unrepentant world. The next one will be May 15-156 2022 and then none for 100 more years. Then a solar eclipse across Antarctica Dec. 4, 2021 (unseemly things happen down there); and then the final X across the USA on April 8, 2024. Repentance, faith, hope, prayer and courage are certainly need to be in vogue among a certain group of people.

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  38. M H says:

    From what I understand, we are getting pretty close to the beginning of the end. I’ve been reading about the signs in the heavens and the spiritual significance of such things (regarding Revelations 12). My question is regarding Daniel and the 70 weeks. I read in your book that before the real hardships and destructions come, there is a temporary “pause” or peace for a space of time. Are we in that peace period right now, that occurs before it begins to unleash? Are we in the final week of Daniel’s 70 weeks? [No, I don’t believe that is the case. There is still much to happen, and the pause is literally just before He comes in His glory. I haven’t asked the Lord to detail what Daniel saw regarding the 70 shavuots, so I cannot comment on that specifically. PR]


  39. SIE ERIC says:

    Is it possible to have a French version of the book (How to have your second eiderdown) and if possible of the other books. My English is not too good and I want to understand it well and the google translations make a lot of mistakes. or is there a way to have clearer French translations of the books you have published? [I don’t have any means to do that and have not been instructed to have it translated. But, the Lord can help you if it is His will. PR]


  40. SIE ERIC says:

    thank you for your reply. I admit that I learn a lot and I’m just afraid of misunderstanding. I will make efforts for a better translation and understanding. thanks a lot.

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  41. FireWalk.7 says:

    What did the serpent symbolize that Moses was commanded to put on a pole? [The Son of Man. The serpent has both a good and evil symbol to Christians. Usually, it is thought of as the serpent in the Garden that beguiled Eve. It is also an ancient symbol for the resurrection and the beings of light, and to make new. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  42. M H says:

    Hi PR,

    Do the events of the war in Ukraine today have any ties to what you have recorded in the end of times book? Thank you for your time. [I have not been shown anything specific regarding Ukraine. T/hough it may be a prelude to future events. PR]


  43. oldglory76 says:

    My wife and I are learning a lot from your books. We have been working to become born of the Spirit when I came across your Second Comforter book – which we finished. I have fasted from food for five days and feel like I know what my mission is to help establish Zion prior to the Savior’s second coming. Your writings inspire us to achieve more noble goals and make us feel like there are more people in our situation who are striving for greater truth and light.
    I have a couple of questions where I would like clarification, and I noticed some people commented in the book reviews on Amazon about these. First, you mention that after Christ’s resurrection, he met Mary and embraced her. However, in John 20:17 He told Mary to “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father…”
    Second, you state in The Temporal Dispensations, p. 214, that when you “asked who came to Joseph Smith at the cabin on that evening. It was not Moroni as is commonly suspected. It was Nephi…” I’m sure you’re aware that in Joseph Smith History 1:33, Joseph says, “He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni…” [The Bible transliteration was “touch me not,” but what I saw and heard was more like “do not hold me,” or “let me go.” As far as the change from Moroni to Nephi, I can only confirm what I saw. PR]

    Liked by 3 people

  44. M H says:

    Hi PR,

    I was re-reading your A Witness of the Temporal Dispensations book. Is the servant who will head up the opening of the 7th dispensation alive on the earth now? Thanks for your time. [Yes. PR]


  45. elethu xapa says:

    In Page 98 you mention that the Lord will be given the keys to this earth will he be given these keys by God the Father?

    At what estate is a higher being given power to create ? I mean the earth 🌍 is a 4th estate planet right so it has existed for eons of years if then this is the first time the Lord had to be the saviour of this world Who then was looking over earth during her lower estate progression was it the planetary Angels under the direction of the Lord ? If yes was the Lord already exalted at that time ? And can the Atonement be made once at a certain world then it covers the entire Creation of him who suffered all for others ? Hope u understand my question thanks for your patience 🙏🙏 [The creation of worlds begins after the 4th estate. That is all I can say on that matter. Jesus’ suffering is for all those upon this world and has infinite consequences. He has created an infinite number of worlds that will some day have an opportunity to progress through the Everlasting Covenant. There is a mystery there. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  46. luviskee says:

    Is the meteor that fell into the Unitas on the 13th of August the first of many and is it considered an event or Heavenly sign? [Is is not. PR]


  47. Mike Theman says:

    Hi PR,

    You wrote in your End of Times book the event of Adam-Ondi-Ahman would be marked by the Heavens. Can you tell us what that mark in the Heavens was or when it was? [It coincides with the event prophecied by John in Revelation 12:1-2. PR]

    Liked by 2 people

  48. Mike Theman says:

    From what I understand, AOA occurred a few years ago. Those who will be Servants will have attended, from what I read. I have no recollection of attending that event in the spirit. Does this mean I am not to be a Servant? Thank you for your time. [It’s not my place to reveal the time, but as I’ve said before, it takes place outside of time and space. This means that if it occurred before a servant is awakened, it doesn’t mean they do not attend. AOA is certainly a mystery. PR]

    Liked by 3 people

  49. In your earlier comment from February 3, 2019 you mentioned that you personally rely upon herbal remedies and priesthood blessings.

    Where do you source the priesthood blessings from – is there an organization (or the LDS church) on the earth who still has the Melchizedek Priesthood? I thought that it was lost after Joseph Smiths era and and condemnation of the church. [I don’t see “priesthood blessing” in the same definition as others. Anyone who has the gift of prophecy can pray over another and bless them, which includes women and children in addition to anyone who is pure before the Lord. PR]

    Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

  50. gkawalker says:

    When AOA happened and the dispensational heads and such all met and gave a report and turned in the keys, does that mean that the LDS church leaders had to turn their keys in too to Michael? [Joseph Smith is the head of the Sixth Dispensation, not the LDS church. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  51. gkawalker says:

    Ok thanks. I didn’t realize dispensation keys were different than keys to lead the church during the dispensation. I learn something new every day.

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  52. FireWalk.7 says:

    In End of Times, page 23 you wrote that one book was written to help the Daughters of Zion awake, and your book was to help them arise…. what book was to help them awake and which book helps them arise?

    When you say Daughters of Zion do you mean the women, or how the House of Israel as a whole is referred to as Daughters of Zion in scripture? [The daughters of Zion are those who are awakening in the last days. They include the Remnant of Jacob and the gentiles who have made covenants before birth sometimes referred to as the elect. PR]

    “The Lord said that I need not worry about the effects of the book “How to Have Your Second Comforter.” He said that in a short time it would begin to blossom and there would be fruit from these labors. He said some interesting things to me. He said that one book was written to awake the Daughters of Zion and that my book was to help them to “arise.” [I will leave that one alone. Sometimes its best to let events after the fact explain the meaning behind things that are said. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  53. FireWalk.7 says:

    When Adam and Eve entered their Terrestrial glory,live in the Garden, did they arrive there at the same time?… or did Adam come first, as Genesis indicates? [Adam came first. PR]


  54. FireWalk.7 says:

    What does it mean that Eve was made from Adam’s rib? [In Moses 3 I have the following translation:
    21 And I, the Lord God, caused Adam’s memory to be removed as he condescends from
    a resurrected being to enter a new terrestrial body and God took one of his closest wives
    from his previous Estates.
    22 And God took one of Adam’s former wives and her spirit condescended as did Adam
    and she entered a terrestrial body.
    23 And Adam said: This I know now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she
    shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man. (Adam recognized his mate.) PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  55. drhinkle says:

    Are you able to relate who the two Brothers were who visited the Parowan Gap and the significance of it? Thank you. [I cannot. PR]


  56. FireWalk.7 says:

    What’s the significance of 40? Christ fasted in the desert for 40 years. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. It rained for 40 days. [It represents rebirth. PR]


  57. M H says:

    “It will be in the fall. It will cause rioting, and race rioting, and the government will be suspended as martial law is enacted.” Page 10 of Witness to the End of Times

    Does this correlate at all with what is happening in Israel right now with the war that has broken out? It seems as though the violence and unrest will make its way here to the US as a result. Thank you in advance. [I can’t say more about it than I have at this point. PR]

    Liked by 1 person

  58. FireWalk.7 says:

    When Christ comes in His glory, a new heaven and new earth are created. Is this referring to the Millenium? Or after the Millenium? [The Millennium. PR]


  59. FireWalk.7 says:

    Was animal sacrifice practiced in the City of Enoch and City of Melchizedek? [Yes. PR]


  60. M H says:

    “Something happens which provokes the United States and another country to attack. This leads to destruction of satellites, followed by a quick buildup of our military in that part of the world. Our Navy is decimated, the bear becomes involved, and the tiger secures its position in the Middle East and Europe. From this point, Jerusalem begins to see the calamities of war and famine that have been prophesied.” Page 17 Witness of the End of Times Book

    I know you probably are not permitted to say any more than you already have in your books about this matter (I’m wondering about the US and UK airstrikes in the Middle East today maybe being what is described in the above paragraph), but if you can, do you see this airstrike event being something of significance?

    Also, second question: Are there any signs in the heavens you have learned about recently that would be helpful for us to know or learn about ourselves? [I have nothing additional I can share at this time. We need to watch and pray, seeking revelation from the Lord for what is coming. I don’t know the exact timing, but things are moving quickly it seems. PR]


  61. FireWalk.7 says:

    How do you observe the Passover?… what do you do personally?

    [I will often attend a Passover with friends. Focusing on Christ. PR]

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